Festival MATRIOSHKA is a multi-genre festival that, through arts and culture, promotes the need for the active protection of the democratic values and shows the key role of a free civil society in shaping democracy.

11.11.2016 at 16:00 / friday
A unique exhibition about the Czechoslovakia sports emigrants.
Symbolic opening of the exhibition: November 11 th, 2016 at 16:00
Place: Main Street, next to State theater/singing fountain park
Duration of the exhibition: untill 25.11.2016
12.11.2016 at 14:00 / saturday
Retro bus tour into the years 1946-1989 in cooperation with Authentic Kosice and Košice public transport company. Leggins, mittens, umbrellas and thick socks are necessary!
Limited nuber of participants, registration is needed.
Free registration: festival @ matrioshka.sk , subject: “TOUR”
Meeting point: Liberators square (Námestie osloboditeĽov)
Duration: 89 minutes
Matrioshka BUS TOUR - Route 89 on facebook
13.11.2016 at 19:00 / sunday
FORBIDDEN CINEMA - Joseph Kilian / 1963, 2016
The allegorical motion picture, Joseph Kilian, rousingly exposes how human obsession with order leaves him sour and dull. Joseph Kilian is a middle length film shot by the creators in perfect Kafkaesque style.
EXCLUSIVE SNEAK PREVIEW - Brother Karel / 2016
A documentary film capturing the dramatic fate of the most famous Czech bard Karel Kryl. The film introduces many of his best-known songs, as well as less well-known songs.
Place: Cinema ÚSMEV, Kasárenské sq. 1, Košice
Tickets: 2€ students, seniors, disabled / 3€
14.11.2016 at 19:00 / monday
Unique entertainment and educational quiz, reflecting culture, art, history and events in Czechoslovakia in the 50s, 60s, 70s, and 80s.
Place: Kasárne Kulturpark, Papa, Kukučínova 2, Košice
Registration : papaquiz @ artlover.com
Quiz is in Slovak language.
Entrance fee: 1€
15.11.2016 at 19:00 / tuesday
PATRIK OUŘEDNÍK and THEATRE KOLOMAŽ: EUROPEANA (A Brief History of the Twentieth Century)
European history of the twentieth century narrated with humor and searing irony based on the book of Patrick Ouředník which won the inquiry for the most interesting book of the year 2003, and was nominated for the Magnesia Litera.
Place: Kasárne Kulturpark, Kukučínova 2, Alfa, Košice
Tickets: 3€ students, seniors, disabled/ 5€
Pre-sale: www.ticketportal.sk
Theater play EUROPEANA on facebook
16. 11. 2016 at 19:00 / wednesday
Moderated discussion and presentation of the books of well-known Czech writer, journalist, and author of the book about Věra Čáslavská, Emil Zátopek, and co-writer of the successful comix series „Czechs.“
Place: Bookstore ARTFORUM, Mlynská 4, Košice
Free entrance
17.11.2016 at 18:00 / thursday
MATRIOSHKA MECHECHE - with music bands Bobova diéta and Puding pani Elvisovej
A celebration of the International students day, and memorial of the Velvet Revolution in 1989. The event consists concerts of the music bands Bobova diéta and Puding pani Elvisovej (PPE), an author exhibition and a lecture of Klara Kohoutová: „How was the life of your peers till the year 1989?“ , and the informal market of the NGO´s and foundations.
Place: Tabačka Kulturfabrik, Gorkého 2, Košice
Advance-sale: 5€ students, disabled/ 7€
On the spot in the event day, from 16:00 : 7 €
Matrioshka MECHECHE on facebook
The program is subject to change without notice