Festival Matrioshka visits Prague, or not everything must be happening just in the hundred-spired Prague
Prague . 1/9/2014
Driving nearly 8 hours. Our road leads us to Prague. Running late as always. The highway between Brno and Prague has a style. The road is slowly becoming an endless roller coaster, where the feeling of euphoria is slowly replaced with the feeling of nausea, a quite resistance and a surgical concentration. Purposefully we are getting closer and closer to the hundred-spired Prague and praying to our GPS to lead our way to the finish line as fast as possible. ...
We made it. Getting out of our car, feeling lame, unrepresentative, creased and sweaty. Brushing off the latest crumbles from the baked muffins and rushing to our agreed place. We have agreed to it ages ago and the guys have apparently also invited someone else. They were welcoming and willing to sacrifice their precious time for use. Finally, we are sitting on the sofa and immediately feeling great as Michal from Dekomunizace, is great and chilled guy, and we are sitting in the room, which is mixture of creative studio, advertising agency and NGOs. On the floor next to us is sleeping 50kg Bernese Mountain dog, who even in his sleep is quietly growling. And as we are drinking our tea, Michal receives a great news. Apparently just behind the corner in Lucerna, there is the union-city coordination of NGOs, which are jointly preparing something magnificent, (read more) and they are willing to meet us (Who? All of them? In Lucerna?) It is an opportunity of the lifetime, which even sleepy and tired from the journey are happy to take, and immediately start to plow through the crowd in Vodickova street. Lucerna is beautiful. Sitting in a cafe, a waiter serving us is starched and cleaned and we are smiling from ear to ear and greet and meet with everyone. At the end we are sitting behind table about 6, and presenting our festival again and again.
The purpose and people are changing and the whole thing feels beautifully absurd. At the end we stayed again only us 3. Michal is already preparing our next meeting with David from United Islands and Mr. Snop, who is also the main dramaturg of Lucerna. And at the end after 3,5 hours we are finally standing up from our chairs, settling our bill and as we are leaving, I am noticing that just two tables from us is sitting Marylin Manson. He looks completely relaxed. Thats the very top of all events of the day. In a mild shock I am leaving the cafe and noticing the queue of hundreds even thousands of teenagers in latex, who are waiting for Manson concert, who is playing that evening in Lucerna. By the look at the amount of fans and their looks I realize that it may not be himself at all, as in the crowd I can see minimum of 37 of other Marylins who look just like him. But what if that was him? Why not? The concert which would never happened 25 years ago, as it would be immediately dismissed from the table by a guy in the suit with the stamp Prohibited, will take place in one of the most beautiful art nouveau modernist building in the world. We live in a wonderful time, where in hundred-spired Prague can happened anything, so let’s not mess it up people.