FESTIVAL SVOBODY - 25 rokov slobody


This year has passed 25 years since the Velvet revolution, through which we have lived for a quarter century in a free society. We want therefore to recall how and through whom we have gained freedom and especially to have it. We may freely speak, write, travel, study. We appreciate it and we shared these wonderful opportunities to celebrate properly. Think of what it was twenty five years ago and happened to realize how valuable for all of us is freedom.

Festival svobody

We have joined forces - from current students to these who remember revolution, people of different professions and interests, we all with a common wish and idea - to celebrate freedom and to thank it for those who deserve for it. The film festival, exhibitions, screenings, lectures, concerts and theaters, all this we want to celebrate all the Festival of Freedom. Come together to celebrate 25 years of freedom!

Under the brand name Festival Svobody come together a variety of events organized to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Velvet Revolution. This is an informal association of civic and non-profit organizations - including, without order Opona ops, Lucerna, Člověk v tísni, Post Bellum, Budějovický Majáles, Vladimír Hanzel, Knihovna Václava Havla, Pražské Jaro, Iniciatíva Fórum, Devil Inside, Dekomunizace, Český rozhlas , Nadační fond Stránský, Sametové posvícení, Vraťte nám stát, Matrioshka, Albatros, Film a Sociológia and more.

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